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此動畫主要是用以說明原子中電子能階躍遷與光波的現象. 其中 Stimulated Emission(受激輻射)現象即是用以說明雷射共振放大的原理. 在此說明需注意的是: 1.激發的光能量應與能階相同時,才會被吸收或激發原子. 2.受激輻射時,電子亦有機率可能吸收光能量由低能階–>高能階,其機率與電子所處能階的數量有關. 所以欲產生共振放大的效果(產生受激輻射)需電子在高能階的數目大於低能階的數目(此稱居量反轉)


<<<若動畫檔案無法撥放,請下載 flash player 並依指示安裝.>>>


Posted in 波耳氫原子模型, 近代物理.

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2 Responses

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  1. 張 慶堂 says

    Sorry,I try my best.
    Since in my site there are some Flash that Opera can’t support.
    Maybe you can try view my site within Mozilla.

  2. aparadekto says

    Hey, I can’t view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this.

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